Commission Page


$25 Flat Rate - Included 4 Images (Open Mouth/Open Eyes, Open Mouth/Closed Eyes, Closed Mouth/Open Eyes, Closed Mouth/ Closed Eyes)

All images are flatcolored with a base body in one pose depicted from the knees up.

+$5.00 Per Expression
+$5.00 Per Hairstyle
+$10.00 Per Extra Outfit
+$20.00 Per Extra Pose
+$10.00 Full Shading
+10.00 Design Fee (Have Detailed References to avoid fee)

You will Recieve: 4 Still Images (of each variant in design if requested) and CLIP STUDIO file.
(Clip Studio File will require either Discord or an Email address to be provided)


- Feminine Characters
- Humans (Animal features like ears, tails, etc. are ok)
Will Draw:
- Masculine Framed Characters
- Furry (Capable, but not confident, please be patient)
- Simple Armor
- Suggestive Content (example: Lingerie)
- Simple Objects (Knives, Gaming Controller)
Will Not Draw:
- Heavy Gore
- Hate Symbolism/Violence
- Muscular Characters
- Mecha/Complex Armor
- Animals
- Complex Items (Weapons)
- NSFW (Full Nudity, Graphic Sexual Content, Fetish Content of Any Kind.)

All payments made over Paypal (USD), payment information will be provided via Private Message.
Full payment required before work is started.
Finished artwork will be posted with a watermark @undead_nap on twitter. Artist reserves the right to use artwork made in portfolio or future commissioned work examples but it will ALWAYS have the watermark present. Only client will receive the unwatermarked version.
(If you do not wish for your commission to be posted/streamed please specify as such on the google form)
Client must credit artist somewhere on page when using the artwork, such as a panel beneath stream in a carrd on site, etc etc.
Do not use comercially outside of streaming. (example: Do not print on merch) Copyright to image lies with the artist, open to discussion on the matter privately to discuss comerical use prices/arrangments.
To work on other people's characters I require a screenshot of written permission to do the work. If it is not provided I will either get it myself if that option is available, or decline the commission.
I reserve the right to refuse any request or commission that makes me uncomfortable. I also reserve the right to cease working on the commission if at any time the client becomes belligerent or hateful to me.
All payments are final and non-refundable unless further discussed due to circumstance. (example; if I am unable to finish your commission, I will refund you the full price. If I have to drop the commission due to client harassment payment is non refundable)
Please allow up to a month for completed work (sometimes more depending on complexity), I work a fulltime job outside of commissions. I am willing to provide an update on the commission at any time, but please keep this in mind when setting your expectations.
Please keep in mind: Actions of client/streamer do not reflect on the artist. I cannot control what an client does after commission. If I find unsavory behavior after commission or during the commission process (rasicm, sexism, sexual deviancy, etc) they will be blacklisted, their commission will be dropped without refund and I will not work with them in the future. If you see a person acting on those behaviors using my art, please let me know so that I can protect myself and other artists in the future.

Order Form

Please keep in mind, these are not first come/first serve. I only accept 5 slots at a time and currently do not have a waiting list.